Sex therapy

If the disorder is not so severe and a man can ejaculate through some form of stimulation, he should apply to a sex therapist specializing in this area. This is very important in cases when a man can ejaculate through any form of stimulation but intercourse. Usually treatment for this disorder includes both partners.

Therapy usually involves homework assignments and exercises intended to help a man get used to having orgasms through vaginal intercourse, i.e. through the way he is not accustomed to. Commonly the couple is advised to go through three stages.[2] At the first stage a man masturbates in the presence of his partner. Sometimes this is not an easy matter as a man might be used to having orgasms alone. After a man learns to ejaculate in the presence of his partner, the couple gets to another stage where the man's hand is replaced with the hand of his partner. Step by step a man learns to ejaculate closer and closer to the vagina. In the final stage a woman inserts her partner's penis into her vagina as soon as she realizes he is about to ejaculate. Thus a man gradually learns to ejaculate inside the vagina.

Since especially young men often are ashamed of acknowledging their problem, or anyway do not have a partner yet, some authors recommend alternatives to this start-stop technique. By training the ischiocavernosus muscle, young men can quickly train to hold an erection on their own.