
If relationships in a couple are found problematic, therapy intended to enhance emotional intimacy might be required as a preliminary step.

Some sexologists recommend sex toys such as the fleshlight to train the patient to respond to vaginal stimulation. This is especially effective in cases where the masturbatory technique is the source of the problem.

In some cases hypnosis can help with the problem, especially if a partner does not want to participate in therapy.

Naturally, if delayed ejaculation is caused by a disease, the disease is first of all treated. In those cases when delayed ejaculation is a side effect of medication the man's physician is to review other medication options.

In the case of alcohol addiction a man should get necessary treatment intended to help treat his addiction.

For many people it has proven to be the case that overly frequent masturbation on the part of the man is the root cause of his delayed vaginal ejaculation. Ceasing masturbation for a few days is often an effective and easy way to achieve more rapid orgasm during intercourse, because doing this will stop desensitization of the nerves in the penis. Also, different positions and rates of pelvic motion on the part of the female can be instrumental in achieving simultaneous orgasm.